CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDRED | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDRED|     Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDRED|     Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDRED|     Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDRED|     Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDRED|     Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDRED|     Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDRED|     Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDRED | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDRED|     Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDRED | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTEAL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGITD | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDCOR | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDSUN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDRED|     Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRY | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDTBFC | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDWHT | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDPPL | Waterproof Case for AirPods
CATAPDGRN | Waterproof Case for AirPods
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner
AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner

AirPods (Gen 2/1) - Waterproof Case + Carabiner

image not available253,984+ Happy Customers
Sale priceHK$200.00
SELECT Color: Army Green

add another $60.00 to get free shipping

Trusted by thousands of users

never lose your AirPods

Easy to install. Our Waterproof Case folds down for access & folds up to keep your case closed - your AirPods won't pop out.

image not available Catalyst
image not available

Smashing in Ice Block with a Hammer

Our Total Protection Case is super tough - we've frozen it, smashed it with a hammer & driven over it with a Lambourghini 3x.

image not available Catalyst
image not available

Total Protection Case 20ft Drop Test

"What? That one's gotta break. We've got to break the Catalyst. What?!? The Catalyst didn't break."

image not available Independent Reviewer
image not available
image not available

Talk about perfection

image not available

Definitely a book you can judge by its cover

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The most robust iPhone case ever made

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An impenetrable bubble for your phone

image not available

Total Protection case certainly measures up to its title

image not available This Catalyst phone case is the BEST! My phone took beautiful photos through the case - both underwater and above water - the case kept my phone bone dry.
image not available I can wash off my phone a bunch of times a day and not worry about if it’s alcohol sanitizer, germicidal wipes, or surgical scrub soap.
image not available Case is very well made and seals perfect. I can even use it on my gimbal. The Lidar works great too. Had a drop onto hard tiles. Not even a mark. Works in the pool too. Worth every penny. 👍
image not available I have 3 boys and the case I got needed to be the best. I have dropped my phone multiple times over the past 6 months I have had this case and it’s held up great. Not a scratch on my phone!
image not available This is the best case I have ever had; it is worth the purchase if you want to keep your phone away from water.

1M Waterproof (IP67)

One piece foldable design seals out water, dust & dirt.


1.2M Drop Proof (MIL-STD-810G)

Withstand drops, shocks & scratches.


One-piece Secure Lid Design

Fold down to access earbuds, fold up to secure so AirPods won't fall out on drops.


40 Mins Faster Wireless Charging

Tested vs. competitor cases on AirPods Pro (Gen 1).


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  • 6.00cm x 2.60cm x 4.90cm


image not availableimage not available
  • AirPods (Gen 2), AirPods (Gen 1)

  • Not compatible with AirPods (Gen 4), AirPods (Gen 4 ANC), AirPods Pro (Gen 2), AirPods (Gen 3), AirPods Pro (Gen 1), AirPods Max


image not availableimage not available
  • 💦 1M/3.3ft Waterproof (IP67): Features a plug to seal out dust 🌿, dirt 🪨, and water 🚫💧, while still allowing access to the charge port 🔌.
  • 💥 1.2M/4ft Drop Proof (MIL-STD-810G): Thick silicone 🛡️ absorbs shocks to protect your AirPods 🎧, ensuring no flying lids or buds ✅.
  • ✅ Trusted Durability for Millions: Customers rave about the Catalyst case 🛡️saving their AirPods 🎧 from damage time and time again, with build quality that stands the test of everyday use.💪
  • 🤝 Snug, Secure Fit with Impact-Absorbing Silicone: Shields your AirPods 🎧 from shocks 💥, drops ⬇️, dirt 🌿, and scratches ✨.
  • One-Piece Wraparound Design: Unlike clamshell cases, Catalyst’s patented design keeps the lid securely attached ✅, folds up to prevent accidental openings 🚫, and protects the hinge area from wear and tear 🛡️—all without adhesive.
  • 🎨 Stylish and Functional: Available in vibrant colors 🌈, with a visible LED indicator 💡, and a sleek yet rugged design 🛡️. The distinctive design of the CATALYST® Waterproof Case for AirPods 🎧 is a registered trade dress of Catalyst Lifestyle Ltd ®.
  • ⚡ Up to 40 Minutes Faster Charging: Delivers quicker power-ups 🔋 with less downtime ⏱️ compared to competitors (tested on AirPods Pro 🎧 Gen 1).✅ Works With: Qi Wireless Chargers 📱 & Flat MagSafe Chargers 🧲.⚠️ Note: No magnetic ring ⭕, which may affect alignment.🚫 Does Not Work With: Curved MagSafe Chargers 🧲, such as the Apple Watch MagSafe Charger ⌚.
  • Charge Port Plug ⚡Fits 11.9 x 5.9mm Cables
  • Easy Access to Pairing Button ✅ without removing case
  • 🧼 Washable Exterior: Clean 🧽with Soap & Water 🚿. Disinfect with EPA-approved Disinfectants 🧴(70% isopropyl alcohol, 70% ethanol, Lysol® Wipes, Clorox® Wipes or OptiCide 3® Wipes).
  • Aluminum carabiner Included 🔗 for easy & secure attachment.
  • 💰 Affordable Peace of Mind: Catalyst cases offer premium protection, making them worth every penny ✅ to safeguard your valuable AirPods 🎧 investment.

What is in the box?

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  • Waterproof case x 1
  • Carabiner x 1